Cause of the fire on Olive Street has yet to be determined
PASO ROBLES — Mid-morning on Wednesday, Paso Robles and Emergency Services responded to a reported multifamily residential structure fire on Olive Street.
Firefighters arrived on the scene at approximately 10:50 p.m. on Aug. 3 to discover two fully involved units with multiple exposures threatened. Due to fire progression and potential, a second alarm was requested. The structure fire spread into nearby vegetation and a wildland response was ordered.
The fire destroyed two units, caused partial damage to a third, minor damage in two, and burned 1⁄4 acre of vegetation before firefighters were able to stop the fire spread and extinguish it. All residents were safely evacuated, and no injuries were reported.
Three fire engines, one Battalion Chief, and one fire investigator from Paso Robles Fire responded to the incident. Under the City’s automatic aid agreement, six engines, two tankers, one helicopter, one Air Attack, one dozer, one hand crew, one water tender and two Chief from Cal Fire/SLO County and one ladder truck from Atascadero responded.
Under the SLO County Mutual Aid Plan, three engines, a Battalion Chief, and a breathing support unit responded as part of the second alarm assignment. Four additional engines were ordered following the request for a second alarm. In total, 60 fire personnel responded to the incident.
The cause of the fire was undetermined.