The fire on Myrtlewood Drive was extinguished on July 3 with minimal damage

PASO ROBLES — Paso Robles and Emergency Services responded to a multifamily residential structure fire on July 3 at 10:45 p.m. on Myrtlewood Drive in Paso Robles.

Firefighters arrived on the scene, discovering a fire burning on the exterior of the structure and extending into the attic space. The fire was contained within 10 minutes, causing minimal damage. All occupants were able to evacuate safely and return to their homes after the fire was extinguished.

Two fire engines, one ladder truck, and two Battalion Chiefs from Paso Robles Fire responded to the incident. Under the City’s automatic aid agreement, two engines and one Battalion Chief from Cal Fire/SLO County, and one ladder truck from Atascadero responded. Under the SLO County Mutual Aid Plan, three additional engines, a Battalion Chief, and a breathing support unit responded as part of the second alarm assignment.

Cause of the fire was undetermined. 

Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind residents that all fireworks including “Safe and Sane” fireworks are prohibited in the City of Paso Robles.