A request for administrative review can be completed online using the Parking Citation Portal

PASO ROBLES — Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin announced on Tuesday, Oct. 11, that parking tickets given to visitors during the Oct. 8 Pioneer Day Celebration in downtown Paso Robles will be forgiven.

“Visitors to the Pioneer Day celebration expect the ‘leave your pocketbook at home’ experience envisioned by the founders of Pioneer Day,” said Martin. “Folks who were ticketed on the downtown streets during this year’s event can have those tickets nullified.”

A request for administrative review can be completed online using the Parking Citation Portal at pasorobles.citationinfo.com or by completing the Request for Administrative Review form available at Paso Robles Police Department. Each request will be reviewed by a supervisor, and a response letter will be mailed to the appellant. Further information may be obtained by calling 805-227-PARK (7275).