On July 13 and July 14, exhibitors will have the chance to present to officers for a chance to earn $250 add-on

PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles Police Officers Association (POA) is looking to join the “pig pen” to sponsor 4H and FFA animal projects for the 2022 California Mid State Fair. 

Officers have already signed up to sponsor 4H project, “Tank the Pig.”

The police association is calling on all Paso Robles youth exhibitors interested in presenting their buyers’ letters and giving the POA a short in-person presentation of their fair animal at the Paso Robles Police Department this week, Wednesday, July 13, and Thursday, July 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. 

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Please have your letters and “Show Whites” ready to go and come down and meet PRPD officers and dispatchers for an opportunity to receive a $250 “add-on.” Their goal is to support our local youth involved in local programs and give back to the community. 

For more information, please contact Det. Elizabeth Place, eplace@prcity.com (805) 227-7429