Each year the DAR women honor an American Revolution hero in the Templeton July 4 parade
TEMPLETON — The El Paso de Robles Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) once again joined the patriotic fun at the Templeton Fourth of July parade this past Monday.

Each year the DAR women honor an American Revolution hero in the Templeton parade. Deborah Sampson was this year’s inspiration.
Sampson became a hero of the American Revolution when she disguised herself as a man and joined the Patriot forces. She was the only woman to earn a full military pension for participation in the Revolutionary army.
In 1782, as the Revolutionary War raged on, Sampson disguised herself as a man named Robert Shurtleff and joined the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment. She was given the dangerous task of scouting neutral territory to assess the British buildup of men and material in Manhattan, which General George Washington contemplated attacking.
In June of 1782, Sampson and two sergeants led about 30 infantrymen on an expedition that often ended with a one-on-one confrontation with Tories. She led a raid on a Tory home that resulted in the capture of 15 men. At the siege of Yorktown, she dug trenches, helped storm a British redoubt, and endured cannon fire.
Participating in the DAR parade float were soldiers from Camp Roberts, representing the Continental Army.
Portraying Deborah Sampson was Sergeant Major, US Army Retired, Denise Carlson. Dr. Franklin was portrayed by Lt. George W. Wood III. Retired United States Coast Guard and driver of the truck and float were James L. O’Loughlin and Carson Landreth.
The historical chapter is now 50 women strong and growing.
All members have proven their bloodline to a Revolutionary War Patriot. Their focus has always been education, patriotism, and historical preservation.
For more information, you can contact them through their website elpasoderobles.californiadar.org.