Día de los Muertos event coming to Paso Robles City Park

PASO ROBLES — This October, a new event is coming to Paso Robles City Park that is sure to turn downtown into — Halloweentown. City Council unanimously approved a new cultural event, Día de los Muertos, in City Park on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a traditional Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink, and celebration. Presented by the Paso Robles Main Street Association (Main Street), the inaugural event will feature artisans, entertainers, businesses, and organizations all celebrating the rich cultural history of the holiday and traditions. Main Street will also be working alongside the Hispanic Business Association and the Paso Robles Historical Society at the Carnegie Library is working with Main Street to highlight Día de los Muertos through exhibits and educational materials.

Later in the meeting, council approved the Airport Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendation to hire Loyd’s Aviation as the fixed-based operator services at the Paso Robles Municipal Airport. Mayor John Hamon recused himself due to his personal relationship with the airport. The agreement is for a 40-year lease. 

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The city reviewed proposals from two candidates — ACI Jet and Loyd’s Aviation. In December 2023, a joint meeting of the City Council and Airport Commission resulted in forming an ad hoc committee to evaluate FBO proposals and recommend a preferred candidate for negotiations. The committee conducted three public meetings and reviewed over 400 pages of material.

At the first meeting on March 28, they reviewed the FBO process, the committee’s formation, AMCG’s role, and set future agendas. During the April 18 meeting, AMCG presented a detailed comparison of the FBO proposals, including financial analyses, and Assistant City Attorney Thomas Rice discussed legal issues related to both firms. The committee posed 14 clarifying questions to AMCG and the proposers, deciding to hold a third meeting for responses and deliberation.

On May 9, the committee reviewed the FBO proposals in light of the 14 questions. They discussed preferences for an FBO provider and negotiation points. Ultimately, the committee voted 3-1 to recommend Loyd’s Aviation. Their decision highlighted Loyd’s support for piston engine and general aviation aircraft, provision of onsite maintenance, jet servicing capability, cultural fit with the city, development vision for Paso Robles Airport, and ensuring local control of the Airport.

A robust discussion ensued between council members, staff, and the public. 

Councilman Chris Bausch was in favor of working with ACI Jet and said, “The public wants us to consider ACI and negotiate with ACI. I think we need to listen to that voice.”

However, this was pushed back by other councilmembers.

“I spoke to a lot of people about ACI and Loyd’s and it was not 95 percent in favor of ACI … it was more like 50/50,” said Mayor Pro-Tem Steve Gregory. “The way I look at it is, we have to choose a partner that we are going forward 40 years with. ACI is a great company, but so is Loyd’s.” 

Councilmembers approved to enter into negotiations with Loyd’s Aviation for FBO services at Paso Robles Municipal Airport with a 3-1 vote, Bausch voting no.

The next Paso Robles City Council Meeting is scheduled for July 16 at 6:30 p.m.