Proceeds from the event will support the historical society and museum
PASO ROBLES — The El Paso de Robles Historical Society (PRAHS) and Museum are hosting their bi-annual yard sale at Carnegie Library in Paso Robles City Park from Friday, May 20, through Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Items at the yard sale are not priced, and instead, the historical society asks buyers to pick items and, if they are interested, to make a donation. All the proceeds go to support the Historical Society and Museum.
The historical society is still accepting donations to sell at the yard sale.
For 36 years, PRAHS has preserved, promoted, and encouraged the knowledge and awareness of local history through an extensive collection of photographs, documents, and newspapers and shares these collections through exhibits, research, and education.
The membership and support of the PRAHS have grown to include local residents, businesses, people from across the United States, and internationally. Volunteers completely staff the Historical Society, and there is no paid staff. Funding is generated through donations, grants, and bequests.
It is through the dedication of volunteers that have made all of this possible. Some volunteers assist by greeting visitors and answering questions about the exhibits, local history, shopping, restaurants, and wineries. Other volunteers work in the Research Library by cataloging, filing and researching, entering computer databases, assisting with financial records, and maintaining membership and volunteer records.
Volunteering for the El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society is both fun and interesting. Stop by and talk to the volunteers, and you’ll be ready to sign up.
The El Paso de Robles Area Historical Society and Museum are honored to be located in the historic Carnegie Library at the center of City Park. To learn more, visit