‘Then and Now’ anniversary was on Saturday, June 25
PASO ROBLES — Tobin James Cellars celebrated their “Then and Now” 35th Anniversary Bash on Saturday, June 25. Sticking to their theme, the winery commissioned and purchased an original painting by artist Craig Fraser.
The 35th Anniversary-themed painting was painted live at their event. The winery appreciates all of the James Gang members who came to celebrate with them. And they send a special thank you to the bidders at the silent auction. Paso Robles’ own Spike Groom submitted the highest bid and came to pick up his painting at the tasting room.
The painting was auctioned at the event for two very worthy nonprofit organizations: Honor Flight of Central Coast and the Wounded Heroes Fund of Kern County. Honor Flight provides group trips to Washington, D.C., for World War II, Korean, and Vietnam war veterans, and Wounded Heroes Fund provides service and support for veterans of the War on Terror, so that they may transition into daily life whatever physical, mental or housing needs they may have. Tobin James Cellars, humbly in gratitude, honors our heroes of “Then and Now.”
For more information on the nonprofits, visit honorflightccc.org/ and thewoundedheroesfund.org/

Feature photo curtesy of Tobin James Cellars.