Dear Editor,

Let me encourage everyone to get out or mail in your vote for Angela Hollander for Paso Robles School Board. She is a candidate who loves ALL the children in our district and is endorsed by our teacher’s union, PRPE. She reads to the children in our district and has started reading programs emulated all over the county. We need more board members like her; those who represent the best interests of our students, teachers and administrators. She wants a cooling off period to bring us back to the center and back to the middle where most of us are both politically and religiously.

Mr. Enney does not know what the teachers’ union is even about; he seems to be anti union and anti children as well. Enney is unschooled on educational issues, has done nothing to help the educational community, and his rhetoric has been hateful and divisive during his campaign. Teachers love children; teachers choose to spend their lives serving the families in our communities the best they can. While I appreciate Mr. Enney’s military service to our country that service does not qualify him to serve on the Board. We are not making a strategic plan to take Hill #99! Angela is trying to teach children to work out their differences in a non-violent way and to live with and love one another. Mr. Enney wants to blow it all up and burn it all down because he does not like the public educational system and hates unions.

PRPE, the teacher’s union, believes in and is committed to the parents and children of Paso Robles. The union is also committed to its members. If a union member is attacked, the union defends and fights for its members; so they are deeply committed to one another as well. We are committed to a uniter. Vote for Angela Hollander for Paso Robles School Board.

Steve Arnette
AP English PRHS

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