Dear Editor,
Vote for Kenney Enney for Paso Robles School Board. Kenney Enney is committed to parental rights, academic performance, safety, and accountability. Kenney is speaking truth to the powerful education bureaucracy, and they are spewing lies, engaging in character assassination, and spending upwards of $20,000 to defeat him.
A coup was orchestrated by the education establishment to vacate the legal appointment of Mr. Enney from our Paso Robles school board. It was a disgraceful power grab that is forcing the district to pay for a special election at a cost of nearly half a million dollars. Money that is coming out of the PRJUSD’s general fund, money which would otherwise be spent on our students.
I am asking you to join me in supporting the exceptionally well-qualified retired Marine Lt Colonel Kenney Enney for Paso Robles School Board.
Dorian Baker, Paso Robles
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