Evolving education and how to support teachers this school year
We are in the last stint of summer, and that means the new school year is right around the corner. Paso Robles Magazine sat with retired Templeton Unified School District teacher Susan Sonne and asked her about her favorite part of going back to school, the technology in the evolving education system, and how to support teachers this school year.

Paso Robles Magazine: What do you miss most about the start of a new school year?
Susan Sonne: What I miss most about the start of school is seeing my new students and seeing the growth of past students. Each student is a unique individual, and I loved getting to know all of them. A bond with the students starts on the very first day.
PRM: Can you tell me a bit about your teaching background and the grade levels you taught? How many years were you teaching before retirement?
SS: My love of teaching started at a young age when I helped my mother set up her kindergarten classroom each year. While in high school, I was a teacher’s assistant for a first-grade teacher. My career began and ended teaching third grade. Other instructional assignments were reading intervention teacher and four years teaching math intervention in grades K to 5. Working with both those students who found math challenging and those who excelled in the subject.The remainder of my 32 years were spent teaching third grade.
PRM: How have you seen education evolve over the years?
SS: Education is always changing. Technology, standards, increased assessments to measure learning, and teaching methods and practices have all evolved.
The technology change is a significant change along with the implementation of new teaching practices. State Standards were very vague when I started out. Now, there are hundreds of standards in every subject. Teachers have very defined grade-level expectations that must be taught. There was much more freedom to be creative during my early years. Now, all teachers at grade levels are teaching the same content and concepts, which makes it easier for students to move to new schools. This ensures all students receive the same information.
PRM: How can parents support the teachers throughout the school year?
SS: Parents can offer support to teachers in many ways. Talk with the teacher to see if they would like help putting together art project materials, labeling files, making charts, or even sharpening pencils. Be understanding they are doing their best for all students. An example being homework: some parents want more, others want less, most are happy with what is coming home. If this is an issue you are having, set up a meeting with the teacher and see what accommodations can be made for your child.
PRM: How can schools create a positive and supportive environment for students and staff at the beginning of the school year?
SS: It’s a team effort, everyone involved with the opening of the school should be involved. Communication is the most important step in keeping the team functioning at its most effective level. Parents Can help with this by reporting issues that cause them concern.
Be respectful to all the employees, parents, and students alike. We are all on this team to make things safe and productive for the 2024-25 school year.