After over a year, the public is now welcome to attend in person 

PASO ROBLES — For the first time in over a year, the Paso Robles City Council meeting was held in person after the COVID-19 government restrictions were lifted. 

From now on, the public is welcome to attend the meetings in person or continue to participate virtually from home.

A resident requested Item 12: Award of Contract to Repair and Resurface Centennial Park Tennis Court to be removed for a separate discussion. 

Staff recommended the Council to award a contract for Centennial Tennis Court Repair and Resurfacing to Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc. in the amount of $55,520. 

According to Freda Berman, Maintenance Superintendent, in April 2021, staff noted that the surfacing on the courts was bubbling, and rebar began to show in certain areas, specifically courts three and four. As a result, the use of the courts has been determined to be unsafe, thus closing the courts until resurfacing could be completed.

The bid also includes adding pickleball shadow lines on the tennis courts.

Councilman Hamon questioned staff if it is necessary to fully renovate the courts or if it is possible to simply repair the most affected areas. Berman informed Hamon that fully resurfacing the courts will be the best long-term fix.

Many residents were present to voice their support for adding pickleball shadow lines. There appeared to be some animosity between pickleball and tennis players. 

Pickleball players are requesting approval of pickleball shadow lines to give them more courts. 

With a 5-0 vote, Council approved the contract and recommended that the local Pickleball club present a proposal to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) about adding shadow lines for pickleball to one tennis court at Centennial Park and bring a recommendation from the PRAC back for Council consideration in August.

Next, a public hearing was held for the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan, each covering the City’s water use for the next five years.

Currently, the City provides water to 10,760 residential and non-residential service connections.

According to the report, Paso Robles has more than adequate water supplies to reach a full buildout population of 44,000 by 2050, including residential and commercial activities. 

The City’s gross water use in 2020 was 164 gallons per person per day, and to comply with SB X7-7 provisions, the City’s gross water use could be no more than 193 gallons per person per day.

The Water Shortage Contingency Plan is also required by law and shows what steps the City would take in the event of an extended drought. To Read the City’s Frequently Asked Questions about the UWMP, visit

Councilman Hamon motioned to approve the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan, which passed with a 5-0 vote. 

With a 4-1 vote (Councilmember Fred Strong voting no), Council approved to extend the pause in the Senior Downtown Parking Permit Program. 

There are 694 existing permits sold under current terms, which expire on Mar. 31, 2022. The Downtown Parking Advisory Commission will reconvene in Nov. to discuss future senior permit options. 

Parking Commissioners will execute a quarterly data collection plan to assist in decision-making going forward.

The Country Club Architectural Control Association pleaded for Council to expedite road repairs in their neighborhood.

Aside from Country Club Drive, the pavement on the remaining streets has only received one slurry seal treatment and pothole repairs since initial construction in the 1960s.

Council unanimously elected to advance $300,000 from the General Fund reserves to begin the “design phase of street repairs for the neighborhood and repay the general fund for the expenditures in the next budget cycle and/or with J20 funds and reevaluate timing on repairs and funding once the design phase is complete. This decision will move the scheduled repairs up by about eight months.”

Council then received a report on the $5.5 million in funds coming to the City from the American Rescue Plan (ARPA).

Staff was directed to bring back recommendations with a draft policy for Council to adopt prior to the December 2024 federal deadline for allocating funds. Funds must be spent by Dec. 31, 2026.

Council discussed possibilities for the funds, including unfunded roads, streets, and bridges, homelessness-related services and enforcement, recreation, and more.

Finally, Council discussed options for audiovisual support for future City meetings. 

Staff was directed to supplement live meetings with YouTube live streaming of City Council and Planning Commission meetings and continue to provide the call-in option for residents to give public comments if they can’t attend in person.

The next regular City Council meeting is on Tuesday, Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m., in person, and via live stream at

Public comment can be made during the meeting by calling (805)865-PASO (7276) or provided prior to the meeting by emailing