Meet Corkie!

5 month Texas Heeler and easy girl! She’s happy, friendly, outgoing and confident. Great hiker and walking companion, on or off leash. She loves other dogs and every person she has met!

She would do great with kids or any animals you want to introduce her to. This is the age, she can get used to everything. Let’s help Corkie find her forever home!

Corkie 1
Meet Corkie!

Occasionally, dogs have already been adopted. To check availability, call (805) 238-1446 or email

Central Coast Herding Dog Rescue (CCHDR) is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Paso Robles and dedicated to finding herding dogs their forever homes. Learn more about CCHDR and their other dogs up for adoption, visit

Meet Corkie
Meet Corkie!