Lewis & Christyn Mathis Charitable Trust makes $5,000 donation to the nonprofit

TEMPLETON — The Templeton Recreation Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, would like to thank and recognize the Lewis & Christyn Mathis Charitable Trust for a $5,000 donation. This generous donation will allow the Foundation to assist the Templeton Recreation Department in providing ongoing quality programs for youth and the community at large. 

Templeton Recreation Foundation President, Janice Burch, remarked that “the money will be put to good use by providing additional funding for future recreation programs and/or facility updates.” She added that “we are touched to receive a donation that makes an investment in our community.”  

The Templeton Recreation Foundation is committed to focus public attention on Templeton parks and recreation programs, facilities, and services. The Foundation supports Templeton Recreation through annual fundraising events. Individuals and businesses that are interested in providing donations, endowments, and/or bequests to ensure the ongoing quality and stability of the Templeton Recreation Department are encouraged to visit the Foundation’s website at templetonrecfoundation.com
