Proceeds to Benefit Redwings Horse Sanctuary

PASO ROBLES — Calling all Equine Photography enthusiasts! Come learn from three experienced equine photographers (Lori Sortino, Deb Hofstetter, and Cathy Wallace) who have worked together since 2019 photographing horses. Together with Redwings, they have produced thousands of horse images, including portraits, action, running, jumping, detail, artistic, technical, competition, and candids. They will teach you how to capture great horse images under various conditions and how to work with the real-world challenges of backgrounds, lighting, and horse behavior. Workshop limited to 8 participants.


Thursday, May 19, 3 to 8 p.m.

Where will the Workshop Take Place?

They will be photographing the horses (and burros if you wish!) at Redwings Horse Sanctuary, located at 6875 Union Rd. Paso Robles. The sanctuary is about 20 minutes from town.

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What’s the benefit of this workshop?

Starting out in the afternoon, they will show you how to take portraits using the shade of a barn and natural lighting, along with post-processing edits to perfect the final image. Then they’ll go out and shoot in the pastures when the light gets lower in the sky and finish the day with some shots in the fields utilizing that wonderful golden hour light.  


After April 30 — $250

This is a fundraiser for Redwings, and your generosity is appreciated. There will be no refunds, but you can transfer your registration to another participant if you are unable to attend after you have registered and paid. 

Redwings’ mission is to eliminate the causes of equine suffering through education and community outreach programs, rescue abused and neglected equines, and provide permanent sanctuary or selected adoptive homes for those equines.

Register Here: