PASO ROBLES — The City of Paso Robles is set to begin a crucial water line replacement project in the Sierra Bonita and Turtle Creek neighborhoods, starting in early December. The project will replace and upgrade water services in preparation for extensive pavement rehabilitation in 2024.

The project will not include any trenches, so impacts to neighborhood residents should be minimal. 

Key Project Details: 

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Working Hours: Construction activities will take place from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on working days, to minimize disruptions to the neighborhood. 

Traffic Control and Resident Access: Traffic control measures will be in place, residents will retain access to their homes throughout the construction period. 

Water Service Interruptions: Residents will be notified in advance if their water services are scheduled for replacement. Interruptions are estimated to last approximately 1 hour. 

Limited Interruptions: The goal is to limit water service interruptions to a single occurrence per residence. Once repaired, no further interruptions are expected. 

Equipment Staging: Residents are advised of equipment staging in designated areas to facilitate the efficient execution of the water line replacement project, see photo.

The project should take 160 days from start to finish, weather pending.