Students visit City Hall to learn about city processes and how it relates to their current roles

PASO ROBLES — On Thursday, Feb. 16, the middle school leadership students from Almond Acres Charter Academy met with the City of Paso Robles leaders, including Mayor Pro Tem Hamon, City Engineer David Athey, Economic Development Manager Paul Sloan, and City Clerk Melissa Boyer.

The students took a field trip to City Hall to learn about city processes and how it relates to their current roles as leaders of their school. They were shown historical ordinances and city street establishment documents from the 1890s. City staff gave an overview of the different departments and the inner workings of city government. Students and staff even discussed how Robert’s Rules of Order work and how they use them during student leadership meetings.

“I want leadership students to understand that it is never just one person’s decision, but rather a collective,” said Leo Castillo, Almond Acres Charter Academy’s leadership facilitator. “Great ideas bounced around are nothing unless there is an action plan in place to make it happen. I want them to also know you will never make everyone happy, but you can try. You can change things, listen to your peers, do it with pride, and have a sense of accomplishment.”

The young leaders were educated about processes and correlations between their city and school. “At school, they’re listening to their constituents–or student peers–and taking their wants and needs and making them a reality,” said Castillo. “When they are organizing middle school dances, fundraisers, and fun activities, they have to discuss it, plan it, budget for it, and execute it.”

Students took home knowledge they will remember for years to come. “It was very inspiring,” said Trent Larson, a 6th grader. “It was exciting to see how they develop roads and really interesting to meet the people that work hard at the city.”