Local community to gathers for prayer and support amidst ongoing conflict in Israel

PASO ROBLES — In the wake of the recent terror attack in Israel that saw over 1,000 innocent Jews brutally murdered, Chabad of Paso Robles is hosting a virtual unity and prayer rally on Thursday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. This event is meant to bring the community together in prayer and will serve as a statement of solidarity with the people of Israel amid the ongoing war in Israel.

2023 United for Israel
Chabad of Paso Robles hosts virtual unity and prayer rally 

“The sheer magnitude of the death, torture, and kidnapping of Jews is agonizing,” says Rabbi Meir Gordon, director of Chabad of Paso Robles and organizer of the event. “We, in the North County of SLO, stand firm with our brothers and sisters in Israel and extend our heartfelt prayers and support.”

The unity and prayer rally will feature the recitation of Psalms for the memory of the perished, the healing of the injured, the safe return of the hostages, and the success of the IDF in securing the safety of Israel.


During past conflicts in the Land of Israel, when things seemed bleak, and during times of danger for the Jewish people, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, made practical suggestions of mitzvahs to elicit G‑d’s protection.

Chabad of Paso Robles invites all members of the community to attend the unity and prayer rally, to come together in prayer and action in support of Israel, and to engage in acts of Torah, prayer, and charity.

Additionally, the Israel Emergency Relief Fund has been established by Chabad-Lubavitch to provide support to those affected in Israel. Donations will assist in the humanitarian efforts being carried out by Chabad centers throughout Israel that serve in many places as shelters and crisis centers.

“We must remember that by illuminating our own corner of the world with acts of goodness and kindness, we can impact events on the other side of the world,” adds Rabbi Meir.

For more information about the event, please contact Chabad of Paso Robles at (805) 635-8684 or info@chabadpaso.com.

Event Information:

Unite for Israel

Thursday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m.


About Chabad of Paso Robles

Chabad of Paso Robles offers Jewish education, outreach and social service programming for families and individuals of all ages, backgrounds and affiliations and was established by emissaries of the Rebbe in 2021.