Young members of the 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America share a long tradition at the California Mid-State Fair. Students juggle the demands of raising livestock, keeping up with school and holding down jobs while learning agricultural skills from the pioneers who preceded them. 

Among the most anticipated events at California Mid-State Fair are the many auctions. Last year, the fair yielded more than $2.1 million in revenues from its highly competitive Junior Livestock Auction. The annual program benefits youth agriculture programs throughout San Luis Obispo County.

This year, the Junior Livestock Auction will take place on Saturday, July 27, beginning at 8am, followed by the Sale of Champions at 12:30pm. It all takes place in the Livestock Pavilion. Constructed by the Heritage Foundation, the structure facilitates multiple uses within the state-of-the-art, 65,000-square-foot space. Livestock judges from California, Texas, and Illinois will be on hand to judge the competitions.

All livestock clubs and chapters will automatically be entered for the Herdsman Award in which exhibitors will be evaluated on pen or stall cleanliness, club or chapter display effectiveness and design, and overall club or chapter sportsmanship. CMSF management will assign judges and oversee the competition, including scoring and results. On July 28, award winners will be announced during the awards ceremony.

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This year, Mid-State Fair canceled the Poultry Show due to an outbreak of Newcastle Disease, but the event will return in 2020. Biosecurity Protocols have also been established to ensure the healthiest environment possible for all livestock, exhibitors and guests of the fair.