‘Into Flight Once More’ documents the recreation of D-Day on its 75th anniversary
PASO ROBLES — World War II DC-3 plane “Spirit of Benovia” flew over San Luis Obispo to commemorate the premiere of “Into Flight Once More” at the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival.
Paso Robles Press was invited to participate in the flyover on Wednesday to celebrate the premiere.
The film, narrated by Gary Sinise, recreates a historic day in history — D-Day, June 6, 1944. It takes viewers through the original film of the day to “the present through the lens of one squadron and their epic recreation journey across the North Atlantic to Normandy for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.”
Originally planned to premiere in 2020, the film is finally making its way to big screens this year. The Spirit of Benovia was used in the recreation of D-Day and flew to Europe in 2019 for the project.
The Spirit of Benovia was first flown in 1942 to support the Allied Forces against Japan during World War II. Following its war career, it was sold to the Civil Air Transport in Taiwan and helped transport Chinese nationalists from China to Taiwan following the Communists’ takeover.
See the full story on the film published in next week’s newspaper, Thursday, May 5.
For more information on “Info Flight Once More,” visit intoflightoncemore.com

‘Into Flight Once More’ Crew from left to right: Scott Stelzle (C-47 Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber), Mary Randolph (owner, Bradley Mack Aviation, DC-3 society affiliate partner), Joe Anderson (executive producer, owner of Spirit of Benovia C-53, DC-3 society member and sponsor), Adrienne Hall (director, Sound Off Films), Jeremy Zamberlan (Spirit of Benovia C-53), Paul Bazeley (Spirit of Benovia C-53, president, Aerometal International, DC-3 society member, and sponsor), Lyndse Costabile (executive director, D-Day Squadron and DC-3 Society). Photo by Camille DeVaul/PRP