SAN LUIS OBISPO — The next Board of Supervisors Meeting is scheduled for May 18th at 9 a.m.

To review what occurred in the last meeting view Supervisors Give Direction on Election Processes for the Future.

The full agenda can be viewed on the Supervisor’s website.

Using the most rapid means of communication available at this time, members of the public are encouraged to participate in Board meetings in the following ways:

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1. Remote Viewing/Listening – Members of the public who wish to watch or listen to the meeting can find links for livestreaming the meeting at:,-Agendas-and-Minutes.aspx

2. Public Comment – The Board of Supervisors will still be accepting general public comment for items not on the agenda, as well as public comment on specific agenda items. Public comment can be submitted in the following ways:

• Live Verbal Public Comment – At the start of the meeting or when the item you would like to speak about is called, please call (805) 321-0555. While you wait for your call to be screened, you will be hearing the meeting live on the other end of the phone. Staff will answer your call as quickly as possible. Please be prepared with the agenda item number you would like to speak about and your name. Staff will then place you in a queue for your item. When it is your turn to speak, the Clerk of the Board will announce your name and then you can speak for 3 minutes.

• If you are getting a busy signal, that means our queue is full, please continue to call until you get through.

• Voice Mail -Pre Recorded Verbal Public Comment – Call (805) 788-6638; state and spell your name, mention the agenda item number you are calling about and leave your comment. Verbal comments are limited to 3 minutes including stating your name. Please limit your comment to one (1) agenda item per message. If you would like to comment on multiple agenda items, you are requested to leave a separate message for each item. Verbal comments (voicemails) must be received by the Clerk of the Board no later than 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the noticed Page 2 of 9 Persons who require accommodations for any audio, visual or other disability in order to review an agenda, or to participate in a meeting of the Board of Supervisors per the American Disabilities Act (ADA), may obtain assistance by requesting such accommodation 72 hour in advance of the meeting to the Clerk of the Board at (805) 781-5011. County of San Luis Obispo Government Center 1055 Monterey St.| San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 | (P) 805 -781-5000 | 7-1-1 TTY/TDD Relay meeting and will be limited to 3 minutes per item. Every effort will be made to play your comment aloud at the meeting. However, some comments may not be included due to the time limitations. All comments will be entered into the administrative record and provided each board member.

• Email or Mail Public Comment – Public Comment can be submitted any time via email or U.S. Mail. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Board meeting. Please submit your comment to the Clerk of the Board at or send comment. Your comment will be placed into the administrative record of the meeting and forwarded to each board member. Comments will not be read aloud or presented visually at the meeting.

Mailing Address:

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

1055 Monterey St. D430

San Luis Obispo, CA 93408.

• Hearing Agenda Item – Protests for County Business Improvement District (CBID) Annual Assessment Renewal – On May 18 there will be a County Representative outside the Board Chambers collecting protests from 9:00 a.m. until the Clerk of the Board closes the time to collect protests during the hearing. Protests can also be mailed to the Clerk of the Board at the address above but must be received no later than May 18