July 18 will start the nomination period; deadline for paperwork is Aug. 12

CALIFORNIA — Monday, Jul. 18 signals the beginning of the nomination period for the Nov. 8 General Election. Anyone interested in running for office must complete the necessary paperwork by 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 12. This deadline will extend to Wednesday, Aug. 17, if the incumbent for an office does not file by the Aug. 12 deadline.

The contests on the ballot include the Statewide top two candidates from the Jun. 7 Primary, all of the county’s schools, community service, and special districts, as well as all cities. Those interested in being a candidate for city offices must file with their respective City Clerk.

Please call the elections office at (805) 781-5228 to make an appointment to ensure that the nomination papers can be prepared in advance.

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In addition, the status of candidates who have been issued nomination papers, as well as qualified to be placed on the ballot, will be posted daily on Nov. 8, General Election — County of San Luis Obispo (ca.gov) beginning Jul. 18.