Community advocate seeks to be a voice for Roblans 

PASO ROBLES — Linda George, a longtime Paso Robles resident and community leader, has announced her candidacy for Paso Robles City Council. George, who was a chief proponent of the referendum that ended paid parking downtown, says she vows to be a “true voice for Roblans and will prioritize roads, fiscal conservatism, lower taxes, and no paid parking.”

George has been a supporter of the Paso Robles Downtown Main Street organization and believes that a healthy Main Street is one of the keys to Paso Robles’ continued vitality. 

“The paid parking fiasco is a prime example of a bad policy the current incumbent implemented,” according to George.


“My opponent is clearly not listening to her constituents and is making bad decisions for the city,” George said. “She is supporting the airport over fixing the roads, was the deciding vote to start paid parking from the first minute, and made the horrible vote to accept the inferior bid for the Fixed Based Operator.” 

According to George, these decisions were against the will of the people, cost the city money, and showed extremely poorjudgment. 

George says, “This blatant disregard of the public interest cannot go on.” 

George said she believes the City Council, not the city manager, runs the city and will fight for low taxes and a balanced budget. She will not vote for a sales tax that does not have a sunset clause. She will also make sure that fixing roads is the number one priority on the budget.

A campaign Kick-Off Event will be announced on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 2 p.m. on “The Stew Jenkins Show” on K-News 96.5.

Feature Image: Linda George. Photo by Michael V. Messina 

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