Vote was certified by SLO County clerk-recorder on May 3

PASO ROBLES — With the election certified, candidate Kenneth (Kenney) Enney has been named the victor for the trustee seat in the Paso Robles Jointed Unified School District Special Election.

The Official Canvass for the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) Special Election has been completed, and the election was certified by County Clerk-Recorder Elaina Cano on May 3. The official canvass procedures include processing and counting all remaining vote-by-mail and provisional ballots that were eligible and completing a 1 percent manual tally to ensure the voting machines counted correctly.    

Of the 30,705 PRJUSD registered voters, 11,563 voted by mail (37.66 percent of voters), while 462 voted in person at a polling place (1.5 percent of voters). Overall turnout was 39.16 percent.


Enney won with 54.29 percent of the vote against candidate Angela Hollander, who took 45.71 percent of the vote.

The estimated cost for the special election that was provided to the PRJUSD was $493,000. The exact cost will not be finalized for a few more weeks but it is anticipated that the final cost will be well below the estimated amount. The deadline to request a recount is Monday, May 8, at 5 p.m.  

The Final Official results are posted at April 18, Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Special Election – County of San Luis Obispo ( The Statement of Votes Cast Split by District and By Precinct are posted at Statement of Votes Cast – County of San Luis Obispo ( 

Paso Robles Press is following this story. See the full article in next week’s edition of Paso Robles Press.