Deadlines approaching for arguments for or against Measure E-22 and Measure F-22

PASO ROBLES — The City of Paso Robles has issued a notice that the General Municipal Election will be held in the City of El Paso de Robles on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, for the following Officers:

  • City Council Member District 1 — Full Term of Four Years
  • City Council Member District 2 — Full Term of Four Years 
  • Mayor (Elected At-Large representing entire City) — Full Term of Four Years 

For those interested in running for office, the initial period for filing Nomination Papers is July 18, through August 12, at 5 p.m. However, if a seated incumbent does not file nomination papers for their respective Councilmember or Mayoral seat, the filing period to submit nomination papers will be extended to August 17, at 5 p.m.  

The qualifications required for a candidate to run for City Councilmembers are as follows: 

Gather Natural Market Ad
  • Must be over the age of 18; 
  • Registered to vote in the City of Paso Robles; and 
  • Live within the District in which they are seeking election within the Paso Robles City limits. Check for your district here: Paso Robles Public GIS Viewer (

The qualifications required to run for Mayor are the same as a City Councilmember. However, because the Mayor is elected at-large, the candidate must live within the Paso Robles City limits.  

For all three races, Candidate Packets (Nomination Papers) will be available by appointment beginning July 18, at the Paso Robles City Clerk’s Office located at Paso Robles City Hall at 1000 Spring Street. Please call (805) 237-3960 to schedule an appointment with the City Clerk.  

Additional election information and the list of current candidates will be available online at As nomination packets are completed and certified the candidate information will be added to the City’s website. 

If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by §10229 of the State of California Elections Code. 

The City also gave notice that at the Consolidated General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, the following measure will be submitted to the voters of the City of El Paso de Robles: 

Measure E-22: Appointive City Treasurer

Shall the Office of City Treasurer be Appointive? 

Yes / No

Measure F-22: Paso Robles Quality of Life/Community Safety Measure

Yes / No

“Shall the measure to help maintain quality of life for residents; retain local small businesses, jobs; address homelessness; maintain wildfire prevention; keep public areas/ Downtown Paso Robles safe/clean; upgrade infrastructure; other general services, by increasing the transient occupancy tax (paid by hotel, motel, short-term rental guests) from 10% to 11%, providing $750,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring public spending disclosure, all funds for Paso Robles, be adopted?” 

Arguments for or against these measures should be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office at 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles not later than 5 p.m. on Monday, July 25. 

Arguments shall not exceed 300 words in length and shall be titled either “Argument in Favor of Measure (E-22) or (F-22)” or “Argument Against Measure (E-22) or (F-22)”. Arguments may be submitted by the City Council or any member or members of the City Council, any individual voter who is eligible to vote on the measure, any bona fide association of citizens, or any combination of these voters and associations. No argument will be accepted unless it is signed by the person or persons submitting it, or, if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization and the name and signature of at least one of its principal officers. No more than five signatures shall appear with any argument. If there are more than five signatures only the first five will be printed. Arguments shall be typed in paragraph form and shall be submitted electronically along with the hard copy. 

Arguments must be accompanied by the following form statement (on a separate sheet), to be signed by each author or proponent of the argument: 

“The undersigned (proponents) or (authors) of the (primary) or (rebuttal) argument (in favor of) or (against) ballot Measure(E-22) or (F-22) at the Consolidated General Election to be held on November 8, 2022, hereby state that such argument is true and correct to the best of (his) (her) (their) knowledge and belief.” 

Notice is additionally given that if more than one argument for or more than one argument against the Measure is submitted, the City Clerk will select the argument for and the argument against, according to law. If an argument for and an argument against the Measure is filed, the City Clerk will send a copy to the respective opposing authors in order that they may prepare and submit a rebuttal argument. Rebuttal arguments, if applicable, shall be titled “Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of or Against Measure (E-22) or (F-22).” Rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words in length and shall be filed no later than 5 p.m., Thursday, August 4. 

The ten-day public examination period for Primary Arguments is July 26 to August 4. The Public Examination Period for Rebuttal Arguments (if applicable) is August 5 to 12. Any challenge to the validity of the arguments must be filed within the public examination period.