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You can now follow The Paso Robles Press on one of the top-ranked breaking news apps on the App Store or Google Play. Whether you want local updates on your iOS or Android device, The Atascadero News is bringing you the news online as it happens.

News is evolving. The Atascadero News is evolving the way we deliver the news. Our unique position in the community keeps us on track to be the only subscription-based traditional newspaper company printing and delivering at least weekly newspapers for the San Luis Obispo County — we also publish The Atascadero News.

Our newspapers carry a long tradition of more than 100 years in print, with standards of excellence in publishing and ethics of journalism handed down over generations of dedicated journalists and news publishers. We apply our own company principles of delivering Good News • Real News • Your Hometown News with a mission “to be Right, Good, and First, in that order.”

We appreciate the roots of news, a traditional newspaper, and the feeling of opening a newspaper and reading local news to start the day. Our business model provides us the opportunity to be the best online source for local news as well as the only printed newspaper serving the community of Atascadero.


In our evolution, we have established the highest-ranked online news source and established strong following in several news aggregators and are now available on News Break app.

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