Oak Creek Park becomes Paso Robles Veterans Park; Turtle Creek Park extension renamed Creekside Park

PASO ROBLES — Coinciding with the 125th anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Paso Robles City Council has approved renaming Oak Creek Park to Paso Robles Veterans Park. During the Tuesday, March 18, City Council meeting, council also approved supporting the VFW Post 10965’s efforts to explore the develop a concept for a Veterans Memorial art installation at the park.

In a press release following up on the approval, Paso Robles VFW Post 10965 Commander Leo Castillo said, “Paso Robles has a proud history of military service, and our veterans have played a key role in shaping our city’s identity. This renaming is a way to honor their sacrifices and ensure that their contributions are never forgotten.”

During the Tuesday night meeting, council approved not only one but two renaming of city parks. 


In 2020, the City Council approved the Olsen-Chandler Ranch Specific Plan, which included extending Turtle Creek Park. This new section, primarily a passive park, will feature pickleball courts, restrooms, and a picnic area. Located on Parkview Lane, it will connect to Royal Oak Meadows Park and the existing Turtle Creek Park via a pedestrian and bike trail. Since Royal Oak Meadows Park separates the two Turtle Creek Park sections, the name has caused confusion. To address this, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) recommended renaming the park to Creekside Park at its Jan. 13 meeting.

Additionally, in honor of the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ (VFW) 125th anniversary in 2025, Paso Robles VFW Post 10965 requested renaming Oak Creek Park to Veterans Park. This passive park, located on Creston Road along Cedarwood Drive, sits behind the Senior Center and Veterans Memorial Building. VFW Post 10965 aims to raise funds for a public art memorial celebrating local veterans. On Feb. 10, PRAC voted to support the renaming.

During the presentation proposing the name change to council, Castillo announced that the VFW has chosen local artist Max Rudolph to create the Veteran Memorial proposed for the park.

“We will be fundraising for this monument. We hope and we feel that his vision will match the efforts and help us memorialize our veteran heritage,” said Castillo. “This community represents a cast makeup of our locals, whether they are owners of businesses, leaders amongst us, teachers, law enforcement, medical professionals, winemakers andmembers of our voting community. We are the community of Paso Robles.”

Mayor John Hamon asked Castillo if the council could adjust the name to Paso Robles Veterans Park to bring more attention to local veterans, which Castillo was more than OK with. Council then unanimously approved the park renamings. 

For more information about the park renaming or upcoming community events honoring our veterans, visit vfwpost10965.org

The next Paso Robles City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, at 6 p.m.