Chapter will celebrate the Fourth of July with a Catherine Moore Berry Float in the Templeton Fourth of July parade
PASO ROBLES — El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, celebrated 70 years on Feb. 25, 2020.
On Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1950, the Paso Robles Press ran an article with the headline, “El Paso de Robles Chapter of D.A.R. Duly Organized.”
The El Paso de Robles chapter is one branch of a much larger and historical organization with deep roots in American history.

Pioneering women founded NSDAR on Oct. 11, 1890, during a revival of American patriotism.
According to the NSDAR website, “The objectives laid forth in the first meeting of the DAR have remained the same in 125 years of active service to the nation. Those objectives are:
Historical – to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence
Educational – to carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge, thus developing an enlightened public opinion.”
Patriotic – to cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.”
The NSDAR is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s organization dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism. DAR Headquarters is located in WashingtonDC and was founded in 1890. There are more than 185,000 members and 3,000 chapters in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Many popular TV shows, movies, and documentaries are filmed at DAR Headquarters, and the DAR Library is one of the largest genealogical libraries in the world.
In Paso Robles, Marie Appleton was appointed as the Chapter’s organizing regent by the executive board of NSDAR.
Members ranged in age from 18-98 years. They included college students, career women, mothers, and grandmothers who represented a diverse blend of experiences and various interests.
At the first meeting, California DAR State Regent Mrs. Danforth, assisted by California State Organizing Secretary Mrs. Parry, conducted the ceremonies. Estell Marquart, past regent of Los Padres Chapter, NSDAR, presented a gavel to the new Chapter. Mrs. Danforth spoke to the group of the objectives and aims of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, Founding Officers were:

Regent Marie Appleton
Vice Regent Ruth Hatch
Chaplain Mrs. Elliot
Recording Secretary Mrs. Elliot
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Adams
Treasurer Mrs. Raitt
Historian Mrs. Trager
Librarian Mrs. Anderson
The Chapter’s mission includes: preserving local history and heritage through grants and restorations, providing opportunities for students with scholarships, awards, and Constitution Week activities.
The Chapters current officers are:
Regent Lisa Wood
Vice Regent Susan Howard
Chaplain Diana Brenna
Registrar Betsy Beatty
Treasurer Teresa Terry
Recording Secretary Linda Wood
Corresponding Secretary Sharon Wilson
Parliamentarian Lida Lucas
Historian Susan Clark
Chapter Regent Lisa Wood said, “When I joined the El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, I didn’t know what it was all about. I knew I was honoring my Patriot “Captain Cornelius White” of Taunton Massachusetts but soon found there was much more to the DAR than that.”
Wood continued, “Our members are family, we are there for each other at all times, helping our community with food drives and honoring our police and firefighters with a pizza party, but the most important of all for me is the Patriotism, as our State Regents theme says, ‘With full hearts, We Can & We will…Rise and Shine in Service to God, Home & Country’.”
The Chapter also supports our active military and veterans through state and local partnerships and volunteer efforts.
This year, District One Supervisor John Peschong presented the Chapter with a Certificate of Recognition “In celebration of your 71st Anniversary of promoting history preservation, education, and patriotism.”
One of the best ways to support the El Paso de Robles Chapter is to become a member.
The Chapter meets monthly September-May to work on projects and activities supporting their missions.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal bloodline from an ancestor who fought in or supported the American Revolution is eligible for membership.
Members of the Chapter’s lineage research committee can assist women who think they may be eligible for membership.
“Tracing your lineage is valuable, because it preserves your family heritage,” said Susan Clark, the Chapters historian.
This year El Paso De Robles Chapter NSDAR will be celebrating Fourth of July by honoring Catherine Moore Berry, a Revolutionary War Patriot, with their float in the Templeton Fourth of July Parade.
This will be the fourth year the Chapter has participated in the parade. In 2019 the Chapter won the Sweepstakes Award for their float.
Benjamin Franklin and soldiers from Camp Roberts will also join the procession.
Learn more about the El Paso de Robles, NSDAR, Chapter visit or contact Chapter Regent Lisa Wood for more information on NSDAR and how to become a member at