Modernization and construction plans delayed as anomalous feature discovered

PASO ROBLES — As part of the state approval process for the modernization and construction of Georgia Brown Elementary at the 36th Street campus, Paso Robles Jointed Unified School District (PRJUSD) was required to do a geohazard soils investigation (geotechnical soils study) to identify any geological condition that is a potential danger. These include ground shaking, surface rupture liquefaction, tsunami, and landslides. From the results of the study, it has now been confirmed that an “anomalous feature” exists directly under the current campus.

First and foremost, Superintendent Curt Dubost wants to assure the community that the Department of the State Architect has confirmed that there is no immediate safety issue.

This does, however, mean that any major modernization and construction at that site must be delayed, and pending what mitigations are required, it could well mean we cannot rebuild there.

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Given this development, District Administration will be recommending to the Board of Trustees at the Regular Board Meeting on May 23, that the impending move of the Georgia Brown Elementary staff and students to the temporary school site next to Flamson Middle School should be delayed until PRJUSD administration can gather information and make recommendations that the Board of Trustees can use to make informed decisions.

If approved by the Board of Trustees on May 23, Georgia Brown Elementary will stay at its 36th Street campus for now.

The District stated, “We are certain a wide range of suggestions for alternative plans will resurface, as well as new ideas. We will be recommending to the Board at the same time what the process will be to invite community input for questions and recommendations.”