The students were recognized at a recent school board meeting

PASO ROBLES — Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) students received Board of Education recognition during a recent board meeting for getting perfect scores on their Spring 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress tests.

Each spring, all grades from 3-8 and 11 are administered the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, also known as CAASPP, for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. CAASPP results provide one measure of how well students are mastering the state’s academic standards. Students who received perfect scores on their Spring 2022 CAASPP tests were honored by the Board of Trustees and the PRJUSD. The students demonstrated advanced proficiency in English language arts or mathematics. One student, Xian Ferrer, earned a perfect score in both areas.

Students with perfect CAASPP test scores are Elizabeth Criswell, Evalin Esquivel, Abigail Leatherman, Presley Bassetti, Sofia Brown, Xian Ferrer, Rhiannon Strickler, Ruth Schulte, Elliott Godsey, Mae Hollen, and Mason Keep.

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