SAN LUIS OBISPO – Cuesta College’s Fall 2020 semester begins Aug. 17, and students can continue
to sign up for classes through Aug. 30 with instructor approval. Approximately 12,000 students are expected to enroll this fall.

Classes are offered mostly online to maintain the Cuesta College campus community’s health and safety due to the continued spread of the coronavirus. While all lecture classes are held virtually, 9% of 1,200-course sections include on-campus activity with strict hygiene protocols and safety modifications.

General registration is available at and a full list of classes on the class finder.

Cuesta College sports will shift to Spring 2021, following the CCCAA decision regarding intercollegiate athletics. Events, performing arts, and select Community Programs classes will be available online.

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The Aquatics Center will reopen on Aug. 24. Lap swimming is limited to one person per lane and available for adults and teens who want to swim laps unaided by a floating device. Advanced registration is required at $5 per visit. Please click here for lap swimming schedules and to register.

Aqua Fitness classes, including Aqua Aerobics and Aqua Pilates & Yoga, are limited to 10 participants. Enrollment costs vary based on the number of class meetings. The class schedule and the online registration portal is available by clicking here.

Daily health screening questions and no-contact temperature checks are required for entry to the Aquatics Center facilities. Facial coverings and physical distancing are also necessary on deck and in check-in areas. For more information and registration assistance with Community Programs classes, please call (805) 546-3132 or email

“I am proud of the ways in which our employees are working collectively to protect the health of our community and ensure that students have access to academic resources, technology, and support services,” said Superintendent, President Dr. Jill Stearns.

Student success and support programs will remain available online. Access to educational technology
and resources are open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday in the SLO Campus Library (3200) and NCC Campus Center (N1000/1100). These essential services include computer check-out, enrollment support, financial aid, food pantry, and transfer planning. For information on financial assistance and resources available to support college enrollment, please click here.

In response to the pandemic, Cuesta College has enacted changes to campus operations to ensure
instructional continuity and support student completion of their educational goals. Dr. Stearns declared a campus-wide state of emergency on Mar. 9, suspended classes from Mar. 16-18, and since Mar. 19 moved all in-person courses to online delivery.

With guidance from local and state public health experts and the Chancellor’s office, Cuesta College has implemented a Safe Reopening Plan for the Fall 2020 semester. Protocols have been established for instructional and non-instructional spaces, including cleaning and disinfecting, managing a campus exposure, and minimizing the need for campus visits.

“To date, our protocols have been effective in maintaining a safe and healthy campus, and I’m
incredibly grateful for the dedicated service of our custodial professionals,” said Dr. Stearns. “Our
students and employees have consistently complied with direction to stay home if ill if possibly exposed, and while awaiting testing results.”

Students, staff, and faculty on campus are advised to adhere to the CDC-recommended practices of social distancing, proper hygiene including thorough handwashing, and wearing masks or other face coverings. Personal wellness screening checks are recommended daily and are supported by self-serve
and no contact temperature kiosks available throughout both campuses.

For daily updates and information on Cuesta College’s ongoing pandemic response, please visit