Eight new recovered, three new active cases on Friday

Positive trends in COVID-19 cases continue for San Luis Obispo County, as eight cases are deemed fully recovered on Friday, April 10 and the same day three new positive cases of COVID-19 were reported.

Another positive statistic out of SLO County Public Health Department is one of the three hospitalized patients was moved out of the ICU.

Cases in North SLO County continue to rise, with Paso Robles and Atascadero each adding to their overall counts.

Paso Robles Press requested more specific reporting to provide numbers regarding recoveries in the North SLO County.

While the County reported no current plans to provide those specific numbers, SLO County Public Information Officer Michelle Shoresman said the distribution is likely to be even across the cases.

“Since 78 percent of the cases have now been marked ‘recovered,’ it’s probably safe to assume that they are relatively evenly dispersed based on the percentage of cases noted in the various parts of the county,” Shoresman wrote in an email response.

San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department will host a live feed of their press briefing today at 3:15 p.m.

SLO County Health Officer Penny Borenstein reported that the County began a number of “pop-up” clinics, the first of which was held this week in San Miguel.

“We were able to test a number of individuals who have had symptoms but had not gotten tested,” Borenstein said. “We will hold another of these clinics in South County next week and find out if they are effective.”

The pop-up clinics are limited in the scope of persons they will serve, and those who have existing insurance or other means of getting tested are expected to be turned away.

“We are serving very targeted communities and getting the word out through the schools in those communities,” Borenstein said, “and turning away people who have insurance.”

Stay in touch with the latest COVID-19 information in North SLO County here.