20 new cases reported spread evenly across the county
EDITOR’S NOTE: While noteworthy, the case count is not reflective of overall community health as many variables lead to any given day total, and isolated outbreaks can result in higher-than-average positive results of COVID-19. The Paso Robles Press will continue to provide accurate information and context for the public to make educated decisions based on their personal feeling of comfortability, vulnerability, or sense of security. As with any virus, not all people infected experience equal outcomes and members of the general public needs to take personal responsibility in all cases.
On Wednesday, June 17, San Luis Obispo County saw the largest single-day positive test report since testing began in mid-March, with 20 new cases. As SLO County Public Health Officer will surely restate today, hospitalizations and ICU residents continue to remain low, at five total and two still in ICU. Those numbers represent an increase of one hospitalization day-over-day, and no change in ICU.s

The number that has jumped significantly over the past week is that of “recovering from home” patients, which currently stands at 70. That is also the largest number of recovering COVID-19 patients in the county.
The increase in numbers spreads over the regions of the county fairly equally. The North SLO County gained eight of the 20, with Paso Robles reporting four, Atascadero reporting two, and Templeton reporting two. As always, these numbers as well are subject to change as the initial report of place of residence has been known to be wrongly registered upon the initial reports to the County.
San Luis Obispo, Nipomo, and Grover Beach each reported three new cases, with Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, and “other” each adding one.
The jump in cases represents spread, while 20 cases is a single-day record, it represents 0.007 percent of the total county population, and without more accurate or detailed information from the County on each case, it is impossible to ascertain any substantial facts that may assist in prevention of further spread.
The County traces all contacts of known cases, and earlier this week released information that indicated a large outbreak in Atascadero revolved around a family graduation party.
Borenstein is scheduled to provide more information regarding today’s reported numbers in a weekly press conference from the SLO County Joint Information Center. The feed can be viewed from the County’s Facebook page.
For more information related to COVID-19 in the North SLO County, visit our dedicated page.