UPDATE (2:45 p.m.) — A juvenile brown bear that caused a stir in the city earlier today has been safely captured and will soon be relocated to its natural habitat, according to Paso Robles police.

A Fish and Wildlife biologist was summoned to the scene to ensure the safe removal of the bear. After a two-hour wait, the bear descended from the tree, only to be darted by the biologist as it attempted to escape. Despite being momentarily startled, the bear turned back and ascended the tree once more.

Fortunately, the tranquilizers administered to the bear started taking effect, causing the animal to become drowsy. As a result, the bear lost its grip on the tree and fell towards the ground. Officers and Fish and Wildlife officials positioned themselves below, ready with a tarp to safely catch the descending bear.

According to authorities, the bear appears to be in good health after the fall and will be relocated to a suitable wilderness area where it can thrive in its natural habitat.

Photo Courtesy of Paso Robles Police Department

PASO ROBLES — The California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Paso Robles Police are responding to a bear sighing in town. The smaller juvenile bear was seen near Target and Theatre Drive and was then scared up a tree between the Chili’s restaurant and Orchard Supply Hardware on Theatre Drive.

A Fish and Wildlife biologist arrived at the scene and the area has been closed off to the public. The last recent reports say the bear is currently positioned too high in the tree for tranquilization.

It has not been confirmed if this is the same bear that was reported to be seen around Paso Robles earlier this week. Once the bear is tranquilized, the plan is to attach a GPS collar for tracking and safely relocate.

However, the bear is currently positioned too high in the tree for tranquilization. Authorities are patiently waiting for the bear to come down. Once it does, the plan is to tranquilize the bear, attach a tag and GPS collar for tracking purposes, and then relocate it safely.

Paso Robles Press is following this story and will update as more information becomes available.