Welcome to Pioneer Day!

By Les Stemper, 2020-2021 Pioneer Day Chairman

We are going to have a parade! It’s been a long time waiting, so we are excited for this year’s parade and activities! We are honored to have Irene Smith Marquart as our 91st Queen and Tom Flynn Sr. as our Marshal.

The parade is coming up on October 9 and will be filled with people and fun along the route. The beans will be cooking, the little cowboy, cowgirl contest will be in the Park Gazebo before the parade at 8 a.m.

Gather Natural Market Ad

The Whiskerino contest and horseshoes are after the parade in the Park near Carnegie Library. You can also stop by the Pioneer Museum on Riverside to view the tractors, antique engines after the parade is finished.

Also, the Gymkhana at the Equestrian Center at the Event Center. It will be a fun-filled day with lots of activity and a chance to visit with old friends!

We might be the only parade that has tractors going down any main street in America! So come out and join us!

October 9 Pioneer Day Schedule

7:00 a.m. Traditional Bean Cooking Begins – City Park

8:00 a.m. Children’s Pet Show/Little Cowboy/Cowgirl & Pioneer boy/girl contest – City Park Gazebo 

10:00 a.m. Pioneer Day Parade – Starts at 16th & Spring St.

12:00 noon Free Bean Feed – City Park, bring your pots!

12:00 noon Carnegie Library/Historical Museum Opens – City Park 

12:00 noon Pioneer Museum Activities (2010 Riverside Ave)

– Tractor Demonstration

– Old Gas Engine Show

– Antique Equipment Display – Wagon & Tractor Display

12:30 p.m. Concert: The Carolyn Sills Combo – City Park Gazebo 

1:00 p.m. Wiskerino Contest – Carnegie Library

1:00 p.m. Horseshoe Pitching Contest – City Park

1:00 p.m. Gymkhana – PR Event Center