By the time this article is published, it will be Maundy Thursday, a Christian holy day that falls on the Thursday evening before Easter Sunday. It was the day Jesus celebrated the Passover with a meal known familiarly as the last supper. Following that, Jesus washed the feet of his apostles and gave his first commandment, known as the great commandment, which was to “Love one another; as I have loved you.” Washing the feet of his apostles was an outrageous act of humility.
As we approach Easter Sunday, a time of resurrection, renewal, and bright beginnings, I invite you to consider what is being born in you?
For March, the Central Coast Center for Spiritual Living focused on how to remain open to Spirit’s highest idea of itself as our lives through the process of Visioning. When we receive the direct revelation of Spirit as an impress of It in our mind and heart, a way is made before us. A path is laid, guiding our steps to the greater-yet-to-be version of ourselves.
Once the vision is activated in our lives, we can tune in and allow the following steps to unfold with ease and grace.
It becomes clear to us there are ways of being, false ideas, or belief systems that no longer serve us, which must dissolve to flourish and become more of ourselves. A seed planted beneath the soil transforms into a shoot with leaves and sprouts up above ground. As the plant’s roots, stems, and leaves develop, the seed’s tissue is no longer needed. It releases the seed tissue. Similarly, in our becoming, we release that which no longer supports us where we are going.
We look to Spirit now for guidance on what it is we need to embrace or welcome with great enthusiasm into our lives. And what do we need to embody? Asking this question prompts the Universe to answer, providing the means through which you will integrate those Divine qualities necessary for your unfoldment and development.
We also ask the question, “What must I become for Spirit’s highest idea of Itself as my life to manifest? How must I evolve such that it will be second nature for me? An example for me is exercise. I have an exercise routine that I’ve built in for over twenty years to such a degree that it’s as necessary as eating, hydration, and sleep. It is a personal commitment. Commitment is the final step.
Live in the question: “What is Spirit’s highest idea of Itself as my life?” Release that which no longer serves you and the unfoldment of this vision. Embrace, embody and become the qualities, mindsets, and ways of being that serve Spirit’s highest idea of itself as your life. Commit to the vision.
As you commit to your vision, you guarantee a personal transformation.
I leave you with the question: What is being born in you?
And so it is.