We here at Natural Alternative wanted to say a big “thank you” to our amazing community for showing your support during our annual Customer Appreciation Day. 

We also wanted to introduce Josie, our new manager. She is dedicated to making your experience at the Natural Alternative a positive one.

Summer is finally here. After so much rain, the sun is out, we are jumping for joy and excited to tell you about our June summertime promo. Enjoy 20 percent off all sunscreen at The Natural Alternative. We carry top selling sunscreens such as Badger, Original Sprout, Derma E, and local All Good from Morro Bay. As not all sunscreens are created equal, the difference is mineral protection vs. chemical protection. 


New research by Environmental Working Group reveals that chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are endocrine disruptors (upsetting hormonal balance), estrogenic (mimic estrogen), and may interfere with thyroid and hormone processes in the body. 

The Natural Alternative only carries mineral based sunscreens with ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium oxide, which create a physical barrier protecting the skin from the sun. We have sunscreen creams, sprays, and sticks available. There’s an amazing lip and cheek tint that will protect sensitive skin from sun with SPF 15 while also giving you a beautiful, natural glow. 

Get out this summer and enjoy our local beaches, hiking trails, wine tasting venues, and more, all while keeping your body safe. Stop putting chemicals on your body that end up in your body.

Take the natural route with 20 percent off your favorite sunscreen from The Natural Alternative.

Wishing you a spectacular summer season,

The Team at the Natural Alternative.


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