Applications are being accepted until all positions have been filled

PASO ROBLES — The Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Board (PRJUSD) of Trustees is seeking candidates to fill seats in the Measure M Bond, Citizen’s Oversight Committee. Applications are now available and being accepted until all positions have been filled. For more information on the Committee and open vacancies, visit the Citizen’s Oversight Committee website page.

The passage of Measures M Bond in November 2016, under the provisions, require a bond oversight committee. The Citizen’s Oversight Committee (COC), while required by law, serves a vital role to the community and its taxpayers in reviewing expenditures of current projects and informing the public concerning the use of Measures M bond funds.

Pursuant Section 15282 of the Education Code, the Committee must have at least seven (7) members and represent specific segments of the community. Of the seven members, there must be five required community representations as specified on the COC application. The Board shall have sole discretion to select and appoint Committee members and to determine its final size. Members will serve two-year terms and no more than three consecutive years.


Applicants must be at least 18 years old to be considered as a candidate for the COC, may not be an employee or official of the PRJUSD, and may not be a vendor, contractor, or consultant to the District. PRJUSD committee seats will provide the PRJUSD Board of Trustees and community with invaluable information.

Interested candidates must submit a completed Citizen’s Oversight Committee Application. You may find an application on the district’s website, Citizen’s Oversight Committee web page, or one may be picked up at the District Office located at 800 Niblick Road. The application must be received by PRJUSD, either in person or electronically. The application can be emailed directly to Elena Davis at

District staff will interview all qualified applicants. Selected candidates will then be agenized for the Board of Trustees approval and appointment to the Citizen’s Oversight Committee.

For any questions regarding the selection process or of the Committee itself, please contact the district office at (805) 769-1000 extension 30105 or email Elena Davis at