[drop cap]W[drop cap]ith more people across the nation needing counsel to combat the effects of post-traumatic stress and other life challenges, Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs increased its commitment to deliver a message of hope. The addition of a variety of resources, including a podcast series and the publication of four new books in 2017, allows MOWP to reach more people than ever before.
Logo MightyOaksWarriorPrograms 2“The message we have is one we feel more people need to hear,” said MOWP Executive Director Jeremy Stalnecker, a retired USMC Infantry Officer and Iraq War Veteran. “That’s our goal with the books and podcasts — to produce resources based on the experiences we’ve had, the people we’ve talked to, the things we’ve learned and put those things down on paper or use our voices so others may benefit.”
Friday morning podcasts
Since July, Stalnecker and MOWP President and Founder Chad Robichaux have been hosting podcasts every Friday at 10 a.m. PST. Past guests include SLO District Attorney Dan Dow; General William G. “Jerry” Boykin; U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Allen B. West, and David Eubank, founder and leader of the humanitarian service movement Free Burma Rangers.
“With the podcasts, we do talk about Mighty Oaks, we do talk about the military, but its bigger than that…at least it is for us,” said Stalnecker. “It’s about life’s struggles and how to deal with those; it’s about a range of topics. It’s not directed towards veterans and service members; it’s directed to all people.”
The 28-member MOWP team schedule, in 2017 alone, includes planning and conducting 30 sessions at four locations, including SkyRose Ranch in San Miguel. In addition, Robichaux, a former USMC Special Operation Force Recon veteran and Pro MMA champion, and his team speak at numerous churches, non-profit agencies, and events. All of this keeps them busy – thankfully so – but leaves less time to meet one-on-one with everyone who is struggling. The podcasts and books enable the MOWP folks to address those with questions or concerns in a more public way.
Order or request a book

The Truth About PTSD 2

Courtesy photo

Four books were released in 2017: The Truth About PTSD (Robichaux/Stalnecker), Path to Resiliency (Robichaux/Stalnecker), An Unfair Advantage (Robichaux), and Leadership by Design, (Stalnecker). Previously-released books include Marriage Advance (Robichaux and his wife, Kathy).
Since its January release, 30,000 copies of Path to Resiliency have been distributed or sold. The books and podcasts 
are written, produced, and distributed through MOWP, thanks to the generosity of donors and supporters who understand 
the importance of delivering the messages to a broad audience.
“It’s not a money-making venture for us,” said Stalnecker. “We sell books so we can 
give more books away. If you can’t afford a book, and you need a book, please let us know and we will make sure you receive a copy.”
Click on the podcasts button at mightyoaksprograms.org, the MOWP Facebook page,or on iTunes and other apps.