We’re entering that time of year when our memories surround us. They are the glue that brings the past and the present together. November is the month of food, family, friends, and feelings of love while “wearing a cloak of gratitude to feed every corner of your life,” — Rumi

November is always an eventful month, beginning with the end of daylight savings on the 5th. We set our clocks back and prepare for the early morning light and early evening dark. Some say if it gets dark any earlier, we won’t have to get up at all.

Veteran’s Day is celebrated every year on the 11th day of the 11th month. We honor and show appreciation for all who have served in the United States Military—in wartime and in peacetime, living or deceased. Check with Faces of Freedom in Atascadero and Paso Robles District Cemetery for local ceremonies, also at the 11th hour.

“We can’t all be heroes, someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” — Roy Roger’s

Later on November 11, Paso Robles Main Street hosts Elegant Evening Downtown between 5 and 8 p.m. Spend your evening strolling through town, do some holiday shopping, enjoy refreshments provided by the downtown businesses. Feel the holiday spirit with music, decorated windows (including mannequins from Class Act Dance Studio) throughout town. You’ll see friends and neighbors because it’s one of Paso’s favorite events. We’ll all be there!

Thanksgiving Day is on the 23rd this year. Check for restaurants offering reservations. Wear your gratitude; it’s the heart’s memory. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving Day!

On the next day, at 5:30 p.m., you’re invited to join Main Street in the City Park for our Annual Downtown Lighting Ceremony. We will be passing out our songbooks for singing Christmas carols. Remember, each book has a Bingo game. Visit local shops, get the page stamped and have an opportunity to win cash shopping sprees.

Chad Stevens wii be our master of ceremonies and Mrs. Claus will pull the switch to light up the entire park. This year it will be bigger and better than ever as a plethora of lights have been added. The Grinch will still be roaming around trying to interfere. This is a fun, wonderful, old fashioned, traditional way to kick off the holidays in Paso Robles for the entire family.

The next day, again in downtown Paso Robles you’re invited to join us for Shop Small Saturday. It’s a time to support local businesses who are offering discounts and special gifts. Get your Songbook Bingo pages stamped while finding those unique gifts for everyone on your list. Get your shopping done and be ready to enjoy December.

As November winds down, we will be blessed with the Full Beaver Moon around 4 a.m. on the 27th. The beavers are out beginning to take shelter, with sufficient food, for the long winter ahead.

May your Thanksgiving be bountiful with reasons to be grateful. It’s a busy time of year so you may find yourself asking on a Thursday, “wasn’t it just Friday yesterday?”

We get caught up in so many challenges, taking us in every direction, It’s important to stay balanced and remember: “Do not conform to the pattern of the world, But be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans:12-2)


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