By Paso Robles and Templeton Chamber of Commerce

You’re either thinking, “Yay, I can’t wait to apply now,” or perhaps, “What on earth is that?” If you’ve never heard of this amazing program, you will now be happy that you have. Leadership North County inspires, empowers, and connects aspiring community and business leaders to have a positive impact in their community. When I found out about this phenomenal and effective program, I became fairly obsessed with applying, as I’m all about community engagement. Well, because I love it here in North County, anything I can contribute to making it even better is exactly what I’m willing to do. And this is something that will help me in every aspect of my life. I hope I get in.

“Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today” is one of the tag lines and that is exactly what the program aims to achieve, and it very much succeeds through programs that are designed to affect cultural change and to build a foundation for better communication and more effective business and community leadership. 

Originally developed by the Atascadero Economic Foundation, the Leadership North County program is now under the auspice of the Paso Robles–Templeton Chamber of Commerce and heavily supported by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber Team is very excited to take this on and to be more involved.

Are you, or is someone you know, curious and motivated to get involved in your community and committed to personal and professional growth? Then this would be the thing to do.

The well-rounded, comprehensive program courses emphasize areas of northern San Luis Obispo County lifestyle including agriculture, arts, county and city government, economic development, diversity, education, health, justice, and sustainability. Through curriculum, mentorship and presentations, students develop their personal leadership style and work together with community leaders of varied experiences. Graduates say they come away with not only life-long friends, but also with a deeper understanding of the issues and needs within the North County and how their leadership can positively impact it.

With all of that said, sorry to say the application deadline for Class 5 has passed for this year, however the program will commence recruitment for Class 6 in the spring of 2024, which is right around the corner. Those interested may want to mark their calendars as class space is extremely limited.

Here we are in August 2023, and a selection committee is busy screening the applications and conducting in-person interviews. The fortunate accepted candidates will attend the weekend-long kick-off retreat in mid-September. They will then attend eight classes, once a month, ending with a graduation ceremony in late May, having completed something that will change their lives forever.

By the way, any adult over 21, who works or lives in San Luis Obispo County, may apply.

Whether you are a business owner, fairy godmother, or a passionate community advocate that sees the value in contributing to the future, sponsorship opportunities are currently available, and all monies go directly to program costs or can be earmarked for specific classes or program events.

If you are someone that is interested in sponsoring, please contact Deborah Scarborough at or by calling her at the Paso Robles-Templeton Chamber of Commerce at (805) 238-0506.

If you would like more information and to see a sample application, go online to


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