Boosters looking for new barbecue crew for upcoming football season
PASO ROBLES — For the second year, the community supported Paso Robles High School athletics by competing in a cornhole tournament on Saturday, May 14. Held at the Ravine Water Park, the event also included a silent auction, raffle, and barbecue.Â

Nearly $8,000 was raised at the tournament put on by the Bearcat Boosters, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting all the athletic teams of PRHS. All funds raised benefit every sport at every level for equipment, uniforms, awards, facilities, scholarships, tournaments, CIF postseason expenses, and more.
Thirty teams competed in the tournament this year. The winners were:
- First Place: Steve Smith and Kirby Walton
- Second Place: Danny Soto and Bill Van Horbeck
- Third Place: Jeff Smith and Jason Johnson
Big Bearcat supporters Cindy and Jennifer Altemeyer won the 50/50 raffle — a $500 prize.
Rather than serving their traditional tri-tip sandwiches, the boosters served burgers and hot dogs.
The boosters are currently looking for a new tri-tip crew. For the past 10 years, the same crew has dedicated its time to cooking tri-tip for all booster events and Bearcat football games. But, the crew members have decided to pass the torch and retire.
The boosters are looking to make the cornhole tournament bigger and better next year. They are looking to create a committee dedicated to making the event one for the whole family to enjoy. The boosters are also looking to include more Bearcat alumni in their events and fundraisers.
“Thank you to Brett Butterfield and the Ravine Water Park staff for always supporting our community,” said Bridgette Griewank, a Bearcat Booster member.
Additionally, she thanked the many people who helped put on the fundraiser:
- Vickie Werling
- Jen Chavez
- Jenny Martinez
- Mark Martinez
- Heather Gray
- Coni Wells
- Debbie Caruana
- Lainey Stroud
- Suzanne Hoier
- Jill Smith
- Eileen Smith
- Special thank you to Javier Alba for providing the PA system and music
Lastly, Griewank thanked the many sponsors of the event, “Thank you to our sponsors and the many local businesses for their generous donations and to the cornhole players and spectators for your continued support of our Bearcat athletes.”
If anyone is interested in joining the barbecue crew, joining the boosters, or is an alumnus or alumna who want to give back, contact the Bearcat Boosters.
For more information on the Paso Robles Bearcat Boosters or to donate or become a member, visit