SAN LUIS OBISPO — The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will be starting construction on vacant land to the east of the Woods Humane Society on Oklahoma Avenue at the County Operations Center off of State Highway 1.

Construction will start as early as the week of Nov. 9, 2020, and continue through February of 2022.

This project will develop the County’s new Animal Services Facility. When complete, the new 16,000-square-foot facility, associated infrastructure, parking, and landscaping will replace the 43-year-old facility currently operated by Animal Services. It will provide an appropriate environment for the care of animals and for families to find their new pet. The new facility is being developed under a partnership between the County of San Luis Obispo and all seven incorporated cities within the County.

Impacts to the public and traffic during construction are expected to be minimal due to the site being away from public streets. Refer to the attached map for specific location.

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F&H Construction is responsible for the construction of this project. This is the first project to be delivered by the County using the Design-Build project delivery method.