SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — The Sheriff’s Office announced that it has entered into a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice to resolve allegations in their 2021 Findings Report, which focused primarily on jail conditions prior to February 2019. The Sheriff’s Office has worked cooperatively with the U.S. Department of Justice from the outset of their investigation to address any alleged deficiencies.

The jail has since been recognized as a leader in jail services statewide and nationally. In 2019, the sheriff entered into a comprehensive contract with a private entity to provide physical, mental, and dental health care in the jail. The department added a full-time sheriff’s chief medical officer to oversee the contract.

Later, in 2019, the jail and San Luis Obispo County were recognized as an Innovator County in mental health services through the National Stepping Up Initiative focused on reducing the number of people with mental illness in jails.

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In 2020, the California State Association of Counties recognized the San Luis Obispo County Jail with the Award for Excellence for its Behavioral Health and Incentive Program, which improves behavior and social integration among the mental health population. This is an annual statewide award honoring innovation and best practices in county government.

The jail then attained healthcare accreditation by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care in 2022. NCCHC writes the standards for correctional healthcare, and its accreditation comes by objective third-party assessment for jails and prisons nationwide.

They are pleased with the settlement agreement, as it not only highlights the significant advancements they’ve achieved over the years but also underscores the progress they are committed to maintaining.