Billy F. Pippin passed away at his home on June 20, 2023, in Coarsegold, CA. He was 73 years old. He was born in Atwater, CA, on January 2, 1950. His father was in the service, and they spent time overseas in Turkey before settling in Santa Maria, where he graduated from Santa Maria High School. He married his childhood sweetheart Louise, and they moved to Atascadero, CA, in 1973 to manage a new Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Later he would become active in Real Estate (Pippin and Powell/North County Realty), investing, and business. He built many homes throughout Atascadero and Paso Robles. He opened “Pippin Chicken and Fish” in the 1980s and was a partner in the building of the drive-thru Car Wash on El Camino Real. Billy loved spending time with his family and friends, BBQing, and sharing exaggerated stories. One of his favorite stories to tell was the principal of the school calling him to say his son “peed in the pool, to which he replies, don’t all kids pee in the pool? And the principal said, but not from the high dive”. He enjoyed the Sierras, camping, and hunting in his younger years but grew to feed the wildlife in his latter years. He had a group of golf buddies and played several times a week. His friends and family loved him dearly. He was a generous and loyal man. He will be missed by many. He is survived by two sons, Terry Pippin of Atascadero, and Randy Pippin of Coarsegold, and a sister Debbie in Oklahoma. A celebration of life in Billy’s honor will be in the months ahead.
Billy F. Pippin 1950-2023