Get to know your candidates campaigning for your vote this November 

By The Paso Robles Press Editorial Board 

PASO ROBLES —The Paso Robles City Council has three seats open on the council — City Mayor (at-large) and a council seat for District 1 and District 2. The Paso Robles Press Editorial Board created eight questions for the candidates to address in 150 words or less to know their stance on important topics. 

The 2022 Candidates include: 

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City Mayor At-Large

  • Steve Martin
  • Michael Rivera 

District 1

  • John Hamon

District 2

  • Chris Bausch

The Election Board emailed all candidates a questionnaire and asked them to share their campaign statements along with their stances on important issues affecting the City of Paso Robles.

Each candidate had the opportunity to answer the same list of questions in 150 words or less in addition to their introduction and statement at 200 words. The candidate’s statement in its entirety is provided below, with the exception of John Hamon, who did not participate. 

The candidate’s answers are presented in alphabetical order by last name. 

City Council Candidates Statement 

Chris Bausch

Businessperson, REALTOR®, PR City Councilmember/Appointed Interim

Running for City Council was not something I planned to do. As she was doing a great job, Councilperson Garcia’s resignation took many of us by surprise. However, no one else volunteered to run, and I was already in the neighborhood. 

Julie and I have been proud to call Paso Robles, District 2, home since 1989, raising five Bearcat graduates who have all gone on to exceptional universities and successful careers. I was elected to the Paso Robles School Board in 2012, 2016, and 2020. Like the City of Paso Robles, the School District has a $100,000,000+ budget and a workforce of over 800 employees serving over 6,300 students and families. 

My ten years on the School Board during some very contentious times have prepared me to work collaboratively with City staff, budgets, negotiations, multiple committees, and meetings, listening to and serving our citizens.

I believe in limited government that provides exemplary public service within well-defined parameters. Should a problem be discovered, I won’t hesitate to correct the issue first from within and then, if necessary, take progressively bolder and more public steps toward eliminating the problem. My past practice shows I reliably put constituents’ needs ahead of my own.

City Council incumbent John Hamon did not participate and has no challengers. 

Paso Robles Mayoral Candidates Statement 

Steve Martin

Self-employed / S.W. Martin & Associates

Paso Robles Mayor / Incumbent

The past three years have been challenging, but even during the pandemic, I have led the efforts to accomplish the goals you have set: improved public safety, street maintenance, and economic development.

I have pushed for expanded public safety services, recruiting new police officers, and building a new fire station. I have supported spending millions of dollars each year for much needed street repairs. I have spearheaded the quest for a spaceport license for our airport, which will create a new tech corridor and attract thousands of high-paying jobs.

I have insisted on adequate water resources for present and future needs. I have advocated for housing development, ensuring expenses are not borne by existing residents. I have championed homeless services to alleviate human suffering while protecting all our citizens from negative consequences, including vandalism and fire hazards.

I have always worked with everyone to consider all sides of every issue and make decisions for the greatest benefit for our community. I have always treated everyone with kindness and respect, replying quickly to questions and inviting everyone into the process of governance.

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I am proud to represent you and respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you.

Michael Rivera

Self-Employed/ Medical Industry

My Wife and I are 50-year residents of the Central Coast and Paso Robles. I have served in various Civic positions and several School District committees. I have both a wide understanding of issues facing our city and the experience to work with others to find solutions. Paso Roblans have been overlooked. 

We need to focus on our permanent residents and their needs. Crime, roads, water, and weed are now major concerns in our city, as is increasing taxation. Explosive growth is beginning, and our infrastructure is not prepared. I will have Proactive rather than reactive solutions to what, at times, are complex issues like Chronic Homelessness. Being reactive has put our City into Chaos and caused negative impacts on our quality of life. We have already begun to see those impacts. Supporting public Safety, especially law enforcement, is my first priority. Looking for solutions to housing and education choices continue to be priorities. 

I am committed to keeping traditional Family Values that Paso Robles is known and loved for. Please help me in my run for Mayor, I respectfully ask for your vote.