The Paso Robles City Library is pleased to resume its popular monthly book group discussion meeting on Thursday, May 21, 7 to 8 p.m. through Zoom, a video communications platform that allows participants to chat in real time. This month’s title, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, by Kim Michele Richardson, is available in both eBook and audiobook formats through the Library’s free digital resource, hoopla. Public access to the Zoom meeting is available only through registering for the class and registration is required for each participant. There is no charge for accessing Zoom or attending the class.
In 1936, tucked deep into the woods of Troublesome Creek, Kentucky, blue-skinned, nineteen-year-old Cussy Carter, the last living female of the rare Blue People ancestry, has joined the Pack Horse Library Project of Kentucky and become a librarian, riding across slippery creek beds and up treacherous mountains on her faithful mule to deliver books and other reading material to the impoverished hill people of Eastern Kentucky.
Inspired by the true and historical blue-skinned people of Kentucky and the brave and dedicated Kentucky Pack Horse library service, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek showcases an atmospheric, fascinating, and important footnote of Kentucky history that should be prized and preserved.
Register for the Library’s first virtual Book Group meeting and learn more about this story of hope and heartbreak, raw courage and strength splintered with poverty and oppression, and one woman’s chances beyond the darkly hollows.

Library staff is on hand to answer account and reference inquiries Monday-Saturday, 10 am- 5 pm. Call 805-237-3870 or email