Not properly removing weeds and debrus may result in weed abatement fees

PASO ROBLES — The following guidelines should be followed year-round when maintaining weeds and other combustible material on your property: 

  • Clear lots by mowing or disking to a maximum height of 4 inches. This includes vegetation that may be green now but dries later. Remove all cuttings.
  • Clearance shall be a minimum of 50 feet in width at the perimeter of a parcel and from any roadway, 10 feet from any driveway, and a minimum of 100 feet around all structures. Abatement should not disturb the soil under oak trees.
  • Clear all dead leaves, weeds, brush, trees, and tree limbs.
  • Remove excess trash, wood, or other combustibles from the property.

Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services will begin seasonal weed abatement inspections and courtesy notifications on May 1. Those who do not properly remove weeds and combustible debris from their properties may have their property declared a nuisance and charged for weed abatement and administration fees. 

Paso Robles Weed Abatement is a year-round ordinance, with weed abatement inspections happening annually during the month of May. City of Paso Robles residents who have questions about the ordinance and/or these guidelines or need help finding a weed abatement contractor, please call their office at (805) 227-7560. 

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