A public hearing will be held on Dec. 20 to discuss the increase

PASO ROBLES — The City of Paso Robles is proposing to gradually phase in water rate adjustments over the next five years to support water system operating and maintenance expenses, fund the City’s share of debt service for the Nacimiento Water Project, and provide funding for capital improvements needed to support safe and reliable service. The City’s water utility is a self‐supporting enterprise that relies primarily on service charge revenues to meet annual funding needs. As such, water rates need to be set at levels adequate to fund the costs of providing service.

The City’s water bills for a typical home are currently in the lower‐middle range based on a survey of 18 regional agencies. With the proposed rate increases, typical residential water bills are projected to remain in the middle range. More information on the proposed water rates is available in the notice that has been sent to property owners and City water customers (see the Notice of Public Hearing for Water Rate Adjustments PDF).

Property owners of record and customers liable for payment of water rates may submit a written protest against the proposed rates. Written protests must: a) identify the affected property or properties by Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) or address, b) include the name and original signature of the customer or property owner submitting the protest and c) indicate opposition to the proposed water rates. Written protests can be mailed or delivered to: Attn: City Clerk, City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446. Protests submitted by e‐mail, facsimile or other electronic means are not counted. Pursuant to California law, one written protest will be counted per parcel. 

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The City will hold a public hearing on the proposed water rate increases as follows:

Date: Dec. 20

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: Paso Robles City Hall, 1000 Spring Street

*If the City determines to hold the Public Hearing solely via the internet or teleconferencing due to a state of emergency or public health concern pursuant to California Government Code 54953 or other applicable law, information will be posted on our website www.prcity.com as soon as possible and included in the meeting agenda.