Competitive season begins February 22 in Bakersfield

SkillsUSA season of competition is set for 2020. The competitions will begin on Feb. 22 at the Region 2 Competition. This year the Regional competition will be held at Kern Regional Occupational Center in Bakersfield, CA. Students from Monterey County to Fresno County to the north and as far south as Santa Barbara County to Kern County will compete in Region 2. Paso Robles High School will be represented by 150 students and advisors. PRHS will be represented in 49 occupational contests. These contests are representing all of the CTE Pathways at PRHS. Most of the contests are one person competitors, others are teams of 2, 3 and 4 competitors.


Students competing will have the opportunity to place as Gold, Silver or Bronze medalists. Medalists (for the Region) will be allowed to advance to the State competition on April 19, 2020, in Ontario, CA. PRHS has typically placed in 30+ contests for the State Conference. Contestants at the State Conference placing Gold will have the opportunity to advance to the National Conference in June 2020. Last year PRHS sent 11 contestants in 8 contests to the National Conference.

SkillsUSA Chapter 211 (PRHS) has been funded by local Business & Industry Partners for 17 years. Our students and advisors appreciate the financial assistance provided by local businesses and individuals who believe and support the Career Technical Education (CTE) program in the Paso Robles Public Schools. SkillsUSA is a representation of the efforts and education students and Advisors work to perfect. Qualifying students who compete over two years receive a SkillsUSA Honor Cord upon graduation. Many of these students earning their Honor Cord have met the rigorous requirements for Honor Cords.

Our CTE students have the opportunity to earn a “Completor” status for the varied CTE Pathways provided. Qualifying students receive the Career Technical Education honor cord for graduation. CTE students that complete a Pathway and earn the GPA and courses required for college entrance become “College and Career Ready” recipients.

Many students entering post-secondary education; apprenticeships, internships, Community College and University with Career Technical Education training at the secondary level (High School) pursue occupations requiring Certification, Licensing and Professional certification by State and National organizations. Communities need highly skilled workforces. Students entering these Highly Skilled positions typically received the desire, work ethics and training typically have been CTE students competing in SkillsUSA competitions.

Interested parents, Industry Partners and others are welcome to observe the Region 2 Competition at Kern ROC, Bakersfield, CA, Feb. 22, 2020. Additionally, we will have our annual Career Signing Day on, May 3, 2020, at 3:15 pm in the Performing Arts Center at Paso Robles High School.